Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ohio State, NCCP offer free webinars in creative placemaking

By Leonardo Vazquez, AICP/PP

Creative placemaking is a new and fast-growing set of strategies to improve communities through arts and culture.  The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking, which has partnered with Ohio State University’s City and Regional Planning section to develop the Certification in Creative Placemaking,  have created a webinar series to explore key issues in creative placemaking.

The webinars will run monthly from February to July 2014.  Each is 60 to 90 minutes, free, and is entirely online.  All webinars will be submitted for AICP Certification Maintenance credits.   All times eastern
Everyone who registers for a webinar will receive a link to the webinar and a reminder at least a day before the session.

Please also join us for information sessions about the 2014 Certification in Creative Placemaking program. (see below for more information)

The lead presenter for all sessions will be Leonardo Vazquez, AICP/PP.  Vazquez is a national award-winning urban planner and a leader in the field of creative placemaking.  He founded and directs The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking, and designed and directs the Certification in Creative Placemaking program.  He is also a Visiting Instructor at The Ohio State University, where he teaches courses in arts and entertainment planning, planning ethics and local economic development.  He is the author of Leading from the Middle: Strategic Thinking for Urban Planning and Community Development Professionals, the co-editor of Diálogos: Placemaking in Latino Communties, and the creator of The Placemaker’s Advisor blog.  He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners and in 2012 was awarded the American Planning Association’s National Planning Leadership Award for Advancing Diversity and Social Justice in Honor of Paul Davidoff.
Date and time
Register at:
Tuesday, February 25, 2 to 3:30 pm
Creative placemaking: integrating community, cultural and economic development

What makes creative placemaking a new way to make communities better through arts and culture?  How can creative placemaking promote social equity, sustainability, and prosperity?  Learn about a model developed by The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking that integrates community, cultural and economic development in ways that are sustainable and asset-based.  Also learn how our model fits in with the guidelines of the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

This webinar to be submitted for 1.5 AICP CM ethics credits.

Note: By registering for this webinar, you are also agreeing to receive emails from The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking.  All future updates about this session, including the link and login information, will be sent by email from NCCP.
Tuesday, March 18, 2 to 3 pm
Creative placemaking and human needs placemaking

The arts aren’t a diversion or a luxury.  They are important for the well-being of individuals and communities.  Many people already know about the power of the arts to enhance economic development. This webinar will discuss how the arts can help people develop and keep intellectual skills, build social connections, and more.  We will explore how creative placemaking can support the elements of human needs placemaking.

CM credits to be requested: 1

Note: By registering for this webinar, you are also agreeing to receive emails from The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking.  All future updates about this session, including the link and login information, will be sent by email from NCCP.
Wednesday, April 16, 2 to 3 pm
History of creative placemaking in the United States

The term ‘creative placemaking’ was coined only three years ago, but it has been happening in various forms in the US since at least the late 19th century.  This webinar will explore the earliest work in creative placemaking in America.  Participants will learn about the pioneering work of Charles Mulford Robinson, Edgar Lee Hewett and others, and discover how placemaking through arts and culture has evolved over more than a century.

CM credits to be requested: 1

Note: By registering for this webinar, you are also agreeing to receive emails from The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking.  All future updates about this session, including the link and login information, will be sent by email from NCCP.
Tuesday, May 13, 2 to 3 pm
Cultural districts and cultural institutions: suns or black holes?

One of the first things that many people think about in creative placemaking is creating a cultural district or building a large cultural institution.  While districts and institutions can become catalysts for community-wide creativity and revitalization, they can also absorb a lot of time, energy and resources that could be used effectively elsewhere in the community.  Learn how creative placemaking can make it more likely that districts and institutions have a broader impact on their communities.

CM credits to be requested: 1

Note: By registering for this webinar, you are also agreeing to receive emails from The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking.  All future updates about this session, including the link and login information, will be sent by email from NCCP.
Tuesday, June 3, 2 to 3 pm
Community coaching: a new way to speak truth to power

Community coaching helps stakeholders build sustainable plans – and the shared leadership to implement them.   This model helps build relationships between planner and client that makes it possible to address the big, difficult issues that keep a community from moving forward.  It is a different approach to current models of planning practice, and it may challenge you to think about how you work with communities.

CM credits to be requested: 1

Note: By registering for this webinar, you are also agreeing to receive emails from The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking.  All future updates about this session, including the link and login information, will be sent by email from NCCP.
Tuesday, July 8, 2 to 3 pm

How creative placemaking can help build more resilient communities

With the damage caused from hurricanes, tornadoes and floods around the United States, more communities are looking to be more ‘resilient.’  Resiliency is not just about creative physical improvements to withstand storms; it is also connects to a community’s ability to revitalize quickly after disaster.  Arts and culture can play a big role in helping communities recover.  We will explore examples from Louisiana, New Jersey and Missouri, and discuss how to connect creative placemaking with resiliency in community dialogues.

CM credits to be requested: 1

Note: By registering for this webinar, you are also agreeing to receive emails from The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking.  All future updates about this session, including the link and login information, will be sent by email from NCCP.

Information sessions for Certification in Creative Placemaking
Information session will introduce participants to the Certification program, as students and faculty in the program.  Participants will have time to ask questions.  All sessions will be led by the program’s designer and director, Leonardo Vazquez.   Information sessions are one hour, online, and free. Unfortunately, there will be no CM credits given for the information sessions.
Note: By registering for this webinar, you are also agreeing to receive emails from The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking.  All future updates about this session, including the link and login information, will be sent by email from NCCP.
Session date and time
Register at
Thursday, February 20, 6 to 7 pm

Wednesday, March 18, 6 to 7 pm

Tuesday, April 1, 6 to 7 pm

Thursday, May 1, 12 to 1 pm

Wednesday, June 4, 12 to 1 pm

Tuesday, July 1, 12 to 1 pm

Wednesday, August 6, 6 to 7 pm

Registration now open for 2014 Certification in Creative Placemaking program

By Leonardo Vazquez, AICP/PP

You can now register for the 2014 Certification in Creative Placemaking program offered by The Ohio State University's City and Regional Planning section.  This is the only program in the United States of its kind in the growing field of creative placemaking.

In this 10-month, online program, continuing education and graduate students together learn about issues of community development, economic development, complex analysis, capacity building, site planning, and place marketing.  Students participate in entrepreneurial leadership sessions go help them become more influential and effective.  Finally, every student works on a creative placemaking issue in a community of his or her choice.

We want you to do more than just learn about creative placemaking.  We want to help you become

Anyone who has an interest in public affairs and the arts can succeed in this challenging program -- if they're willing to put in the effort.

Tuition for the program is $3,250.  We are offering an early-bird discount of $250 to anyone who registers by March 31.  Most of the readings are free.  The only books we assign are ones you will want to keep with you.

Never taken an online class?  No problem.  We will give you plenty of time to get comfortable with OSU's online learning management system.

This is the second year of the program, which was designed by The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking.

Want to learn more?  Please join us in an upcoming information session

Session date and time
Register at
Thursday, February 20, 6 to 7 pm

Wednesday, March 18, 6 to 7 pm

Tuesday, April 1, 6 to 7 pm

Thursday, May 1, 12 to 1 pm

Wednesday, June 4, 12 to 1 pm

Tuesday, July 1, 12 to 1 pm

Wednesday, August 6, 6 to 7 pm

Questions?  Comments?  Please feel free to contact the program director, Leonardo Vazquez by email or at 973-763-6352

NCCP had a great 2013, looking forward to 2014

In 2013, NCCP's first full year, we were busy -- good busy.

We helped 11 communities in Louisiana and New Jersey do quality creative placemaking. We created steering committees for both the national consortium and one focused in New Jersey.  With The Ohio State University, we launched the nation's first graduate program in creative placemaking. We shared our insights with arts and public affairs professionals in Delaware, Louisiana and New Jersey.  
creative placemaking in LBI 2013
Creative placemaking in Long Beach Island, NJ

We contributed to sustainability efforts in New Jersey, taught leadership skills to mental and behavioral health professionals in the state.  We built strong partnerships and got support from two of New Jersey's leading arts funders. 

NCCP generated more than $210,000 in contracts, grants and earned income, allowing us to expand from a solo operation to a four-member team. We also helped our clients get more than $77,000 in grants.

Leo joined the faculty of Ohio State University's City and Regional Planning section of the Austin Knowlton School of Architecture.  He taught Arts and Entertainment Planning in the fall semester, and is teaching Planning Ethics in the spring.  In the fall, he plans to teach Local Economic Development.

Planning for parks in East Orange, NJ
We'll have more on this in our upcoming 2013 annual report.

We're looking forward to a productive 2014.  We're developing a creative placemaking plan for Perth Amboy, NJ.  We'll be presenting our community coaching model at the American Planning Association national conference. And we're preparing to offer the Creative Placemaking Certification program again at Ohio State University in the fall. (And now that we've built up our team, we have the capacity to take on more assignments.)

Also look for a new logo, website and to hear more from us in 2014.