Placemakers often have to deal with the question: 'What's in it for me?' Here's how the 2016 Creative Placemaking Leadership Summit (March 18, Newark, NJ) can benefit you if you:
- Are a developer, economic developer, or someone who finances development projects
- Are a civic artist or a leader in a cultural organization
- Do community building or community development
- Are an elected or appointed official
- Are an urban planner
- Are new to creative placemaking
- Aren't in or from Jersey
- Get bored at traditional conferences
Everyone can get something from the morning discussion on how the arts is helping to revitalize downtown Newark, and on the keynote conversation about balancing the many forms of equity in creative placemaking.
To make your networking more productive, we're offering plenty of time to talk between sessions, and limiting the conference to 300 people. So you would be more likely to meet the kind of people you want to meet.
If you are a developer, economic developer, or finance development projects
- Market analysis for arts-related uses can help you learn the nuances for conducting feasibility studies and examining the potential for successful arts initiatives in your community. The workshop leaders are experts in real estate market analysis, strategic planning for cultural organizations, and data collection.
- Incorporating arts into development projects can help you see how you can incorporate more cultural activities and uses while also respecting your need to make a reasonable return on your investment. The workshop leaders are an architect and a developer who are also urban planners. So they can help you explore site planning from a number of perspectives.
- To be a more effective negotiator, you need to understand the other person's perspective. And you can do this in Doing creative placemaking: An interactive exercise. You'll get the chance to play different roles -- artist, elected official, community organizer -- so you can come up with better solutions faster.
- Connect with the people who are making arts happen and work in communities -- civic artists, leaders of cultural organizations, elected officials, urban planners and creative placemakers from other walks of life. There is plenty of time scheduled for networking.
- You don't have to wear a business suit.
If you're a civic artist or a leader in a cultural organization
- Some of the biggest funders in the field of creative placemaking will be there as speakers, participants or both: ArtPlace America, National Endowment for the Arts, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, and more. Need I say more? I will, but really, I shouldn't have to.
- If you want to influence developers and elected officials in your community, you should get to know their language and ways of thinking. Workshops such as Market analysis for arts-related uses and Incorporating arts into development projects will help. Also try Doing creative placemaking: An interactive exercise.
- Leading creative placemaking conversations can show you how to a be more effective leader in your community, and how your knowledge and ways of seeing the world can be important tools for moving a community forward.
If you do community building or community development
- Learn about (and how to use) innovative techniques for bringing people together with Creative community building tools.
- Get inspired by how communities around the United States deal with issues of gentrification and fairness in Equity success stories: Lessons from NEA Our Town.
- The funders I mentioned above are also interested in community development.
Are an elected or appointed official
- You can meet plenty of people who have addressed the same challenges you have in doing creative placemaking.
- You can meet developers and funders who might be interested in investing in your community.
If you are an urban planner
- The whole day is geared for people who are involved in making communities better places to live, work and play.
- Through our partnership with the New Jersey chapter of the American Planning Association, we are requesting 6 AICP Certification Maintenance credits for the summit.
- Creative placemaking is one of the fastest growing areas of community and economic development. The more you know, the better it can be for your career.
If you are new to creative placemaking
- Get started with The smart person's guide to creative placemaking. Don't worry, everybody was a newbie once.
- Spend the day learning from and with one of the largest concentrations of creative placemakers ever assembled.
- This is a conference for creative placemakers that happens to be in New Jersey. We're expecting participants from throughout the east coast -- from Boston, MA to Charleston, SC.
- You might think you know about Jersey from "The Sopranos" or "Jersey Shore", but the state is actually a great model and laboratory for creative placemaking. What you learn at this Summit you can take with you anywhere.
- You're only a half hour from cool neighborhoods in New York City, Hoboken and Jersey City. Ya heard of Brooklyn? Then you'll like Hoboken and Jersey City.
If you get bored at traditional conferences
- We do too, which is why this is going to be interactive and fun (Fun at a conference? Yea!)
- There will be no 'death by Powerpoint'.
Ready to register? Register now
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